MWC19 Day 3: Innovation thriving at MWC2019

by David Vindel

EMEA Practice Leader, Technology
February 27, 2019

MWC19 Day 3: Innovation thriving at MWC2019

Shows like MWC19 tend to be the perfect stage upon which companies can reveal their latest innovations and this year’s MWC19 delivered plenty. Hard to summarize everything, but there are three groups with which we can classify the innovations that will affect all of us. These deserve special attention because they stood out to media … Read more

Real-Time with Everyone


Anyone who has been following the Cannes Lion Festival can attest that the expansive live-stream coverage has you feeling as close to the festival as possible. Why is live-streaming is so appealing to viewers? A close study of milestones leading up to the “live” platform’s widespread adoption sheds light on where social media might take … Read more